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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Why I Am Changing the Name of This Blog

This is my first blog, which I started a little over a week ago, on October 22, 2010.  I had trouble deciding on a name for the blog, and chose “ArtWorXReflexions” because the name of my painting studio is Jim Harris ArtWorX Studio, and because this blog is intended to be a sort of spiritual journal.  The spiritual life is to be lived in reflection, that is it should reflect our faith, and how that faith influences and interacts with all of our life.  The spiritual life should also include time spent reflecting on our walk and relationship with God.

This is especially a blog about my life as an painter who uses the stained-glass effect as his motif.  The stained glass windows of the great Gothic cathedrals have historically been related to the telling of stories from the Bible.  It was developed during the dark ages, when many people were illiterate.  By studying the windows the believers could learn the stories, and gain an understanding of their meaning.  The stained glass windows of the middle ages articulated (made clear) those stories and their meaning.

That is the hope for my art, my sermons and my writing, that I may clearly articulate my faith and it’s role in my life. Thus my new name for this blog will be:  ARTiculate.

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